If you’re looking for some great books this summer, you’re in luck. Just out the paper edition of Nora Robert’s Angels Fall, Mary Jo Putney’s The Marriage Spell, and Loretta Chase’s Not Quite a Lady.
Video trailers are a hot trend for new books. You get a 30 second to 2 minute visual teaser for the book. Check out the video for Patricia Rice’s new book Mystic Guardian coming in July. http://www.patriciarice.com/media/MysticGuardian_3.wmv
And the video for Mary Jo Putney’s The Marriage Spell
Readers—what do you think about having video trailers for books? Would seeing one make you more likely to buy the book or at least check it out?
More great reviews roll in for NOT QUITE A LADY by Loretta Chase. The novel received a starred review from Library Journal. Also check out the Loretta’s interview on Risky Regencies http://riskyregencies.blogspot.com/
Join Nora Roberts at Nora’s Night at the Hagerstown Sun’s game on Friday, July 6 at 7:05 PM. The first 1000 fans through the gates will receive a Nora Bobblehead. I’m planning on attending. Then the next day July 7 1-3 PM stop by Turn the Page Book Store for their Anniversary signing. Authors include Nora Roberts, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mariah Stewart, Miranda Jarrett, Susan Holloway Scott, Kathryn Caskie and Sophia Nash.
Loretta Chase will be blogging with Romance Readers at Heart on 19 June
Now in stores:
Golden Night by Candice Poarch
Not Quite a Lady by Loretta Chase
Angels Fall, by Nora Roberts May 29
Summer Pleasures by Nora Roberts—reissue of Second Nature (1986) and One Summer (1986) May 29
MacGregors: Robert & Cybil—reissue of The Winning Hand (1998) and The Perfect Neighbor (1999) May 29
Lady Beware, by Jo Beverley - 6/07
The Marriage Spell, by Mary Jo Putney - 6/07 (reprint)
Coming Soon
High Noon by Nora Roberts 07/10
Mystic Guardian, by Patricia Rice - 7/07
Seduction of an English Lady, by Miranda Jarrett - 7/07